Can you imagine waking up every morning feeling lighter and relaxed? How awesome would it be for you to have a set of daily routine that will guarantee such a day? Can you imagine feeling hopeful and empowered that you are doing everything you can to leave behind a better planet for your children and grandchildren? How would you feel being part of a grander mission, something that makes your life more meaningful? It is possible!!
However, in your present reality, stress and anxiety are dominating your life. You are caught up in this rat race of home to work and work to home. If you are chronically worried about the economic uncertainties and your children’s future, perhaps it may be worth taking some time to reflect on your feelings.
Do you feel a sense of emptiness and separation from others, but unable to pinpoint exactly what’s causing the discomfort? Are you feeling deeply disturbed and overwhelmed by the state of our natural world and wildlife? How are you dealing with your emotions?
If you are avoiding your emotions, they will become bottled up and manifest as chronic stress, causing tension on your shoulders, neck and back, potentially leading to anxiety, and depression. In fact according to the World Health Organization (W.H.O), by 2030 depression will be the single largest cause of human death – including war, cancer, strokes and accidents.
But, this can be avoided!! There are tested and proven ways to dissolving your stress and manifesting contentment and happiness in your life.
“Awakening the ELEPHANT in You” is a unique eight step program designed to dissolve your stress and anxiety and manifest contentment and peace. The curriculum offers practical and tactical steps through guiding questions that will help you delve deeper and address the root causes of your stress and anxiety. If you diligently apply the tested and proven steps you will experience these transformations:
Before I go any further I want to make it clear that I am not a New age-guru, but rather very much a work in progress. In fact it’s a miracle that I am alive today. I sunk into depression and nearly ended my life a decade after moving to Toronto in 1989.
Even as I was coping with the cultural and seasonal shocks, getting used to the western etiquettes and working three jobs, my best grandma on the planet, my beloved surrogate mother who raised me died suddenly. I lost my job the same year, and my personal relationships were chaotic.
New culture, new country, new life, my whole world was collapsing around me, and I drowned into a dark inner world. My doctor promptly sent me to a psychiatrist, who was quick to prescribe anti-depressants, but in just a few weeks they began to have side effects, making me want to end my life.
It seems like yesterday when I reflect back on a fall September evening in 1999. As I was sitting in my car stuck in the traffic lights near the intersection of Brimley and Eglinton in Toronto, a powerful flash of lightning split the skies followed by a monstrous thunder rolling over my car, and a heavy downpour.
In that very instant out of the blue, tears began to stream down my face as if the floodgates had burst open. That was when I realized, it had been almost a decade since I had actually cried.
In the vicious rat race of home to work and work to home, I had neither stopped to grieve for my grandma nor deal with my anxiety and stress. That heavy downpour, what I call Mother Nature’s expressions, struck a deep chord. It helped me release my pent up emotions.
That evening, instead of returning home I drove around aimlessly, and after a while discovered a wilderness park, where I sat in my car listening to the pitter patter rain drops until my stormy mind calmed down.
Looking back, I think I had subconsciously experienced parallel realities between my inner world and the outer world. Ever since that fateful day I have been returning to the very same park daily to commune with the natural world, where I am able to heal my emotional wounds and connect with my authentic nature.
Sangita is a passionate and fearless journalist dedicated to the environment and the protection of wildlife. Her commitment to her beloved elephants of India is extraordinary. It’s a story she is determined to tell and Sangita has the experience, the knowledge and the skills to do it. But most importantly Sangita brings her own humanity and sensitivity to all her projects to make them powerful and truly unforgettable.
Paul LewisPresident & GM, Discovery Channel Canada
Sangita is a true gift, extremely interconnected both spiritually and emotionally with Nature and the wild creatures we share this beautiful planet with. Passionate and sensitive, she has dedicated her life to helping both humans and non-humans create a better world for all, particularly elephants whose voices we are not hearing. With her understanding and practice of systems thinking and commitment to positive actions now, her dedication and leadership is inspirational!
Dr. Liza Ireland, PhD, Associate Faculty,Royal Roads University, Victoria BC
Members of the news media are dedicated to conveying what’s true. But without a deeper awareness of framing and context, well-intentioned journalists undermine the truth. Sangita can connect the dots by illuminating a larger story: the newsworthiness of hope, the promise of basing everyday life on who we want to become rather than on what we buy.
Richard LouvAuthor of “The Nature Principle”
I have known Sangita for nine years. Her love for the environment is exceptional and she puts all her energy into making things happen.
Sangita recognizes the synergy not just between the environment and people, but between people and people. She made a positive impression on Bermuda on how we treat the environment and each other. She gave of her time and effort generously to a place that was not even her birthplace, which speaks to the strength of her character.
I know that no matter what she does, be it setting up an environmental program in a local school or saving the Elephants in India, her heart and soul will be in it, and success will follow.
Sir John William David Swan, Knighted in 1990Longest serving Premier of Bermuda (1982-1995)
Successful Entrepreneur
Welcome to an Awesome Elephant Circle. The Eight Scrolls in Awakening the ELEPHANT in You were revealed to me in the natural world during some of the darkest and most painful times of my life, as I was feeling a profound sense of abandonment.
During my sojourns in the external world and with elephants (my soul animals), I began to observe parallel realities between what’s happening in the natural world, human designed world, and my inner world. Elephants are gentle, empathic, loving, and cooperative sentient beings, just as our living earth, so it made sense to me to draw lessons and emulate them from the "Outside In” to help manifest a peaceful planet from the "Inside Out".
In my experience, when we observe the physical realities as they are, it becomes easier to delve into our inner realities and embrace them also as they are. This I believe will help us live authentic lives that reflect congruent thoughts, speech and actions. Meaning and Doing what You Think and Speak!
I’ve been nurturing this idea since 2012 that has now blossomed into “Awakening the ELEPHANT in You”. The Eight scrolls in this authentic creation revolve around the eight letters in the word “ELEPHANT”.
By diligently applying some of the ideas in this curriculum you will begin to accept things as they are rather than the way you want them to be. There is power in surrendering to things that you have no control over. When you let go you will feel lighter and relaxed, as your stress and anxiety begin to dissipate.
I’m truly excited to embark on this transformational journey, and hope to have fun as we learn from each other.
I believe one of the keys to changing our future is to understanding the root causes of the things that got us here in the first place, so we can stop making the same mistakes and take conscious actions based on what we desire for our future.
During the eight weeks together I will hold your hands virtually as we unpack the contents in the scrolls using leading edge techniques and technologies to help you release emotional burdens and create profound shifts in your perspectives.
Each scroll has been sequentially aligned and delves deeper, building powerfully in progression to help you harness the core essence and offer tools and tips that can be applied immediately in your life.
In this first scroll you will discover the basic idea of the emerging Systems Science rooted in interconnections and holism. Viewing through a Systems Lens will lead to new awareness of the world around you, creating shifts in perspectives towards people and circumstances.
In this scroll you will discover how to be true to yourself by becoming mindful of your language. When we pay attention to the words that weave together the web of our language we will discover that often times what we think, speak and do are incongruent with our heart’s language. This is one of the root-causes of our internal turmoil. You will become aware of your analytical mind that creates untrue stories and manipulates you into acting in ways that simply don’t feel right.
Having worked in the media for 17 years I have a good understanding of the factors that influence the contents. In this session you’ll gain a better understanding of how the media can zap your energy, time and productivity when your mind is on autopilot. You will begin to discern the quality of contents that resonate with your core values, free up the time spent watching TV or using social media, and invest it in meaningful things
In this session you will discover whether the masculine or feminine is dominant in your life, analyze the unintended outcomes of your thoughts and actions, influenced by your dominant energy, and modify aspects that no longer serve you.
Discover how to connect with your authentic nature in this scroll, as we explore the parallel realities between the state of our mind and the planet. How did we become so disconnected with our True NATURE that we are unable to feel and heal our own pain and suffering?
It is easier to indulge in alcohol, illegal and prescription drugs to heal the symptoms rather than addressing the root causes of our emotional triggers. Often our mind is on autopilot, but few people realize that we can regulate the thoughts that enter our mind. When you become aware of your thoughts you will have the power to allow only those that manifest peace. In this Scroll we will integrate Mind Science and the ancient wisdom of Bhagavad Gita.
Did you know that you have a Snake Brain? Why should you love this brain? How can you love this brain? In this Scroll we will use the Triune brain theory to get in touch with your Reptilian, Ancient mammalian and highly evolved Cortical Brain so we can become more empathetic towards our “SELF” and all sentient beings. This is critical to manifesting peace in our lives.
During this grand finale we will celebrate “Awakening the ELEPHANT in You”. What can we learn from the largest land mammal whose brain is similar to human brain? You are now ready to emulate the elephants in manifesting a peaceful human society. We will take time to honor the Elephants – the self-aware sentient beings renowned for their memory, intelligence, social bonding, deliberate communication and cooperation.
We will nurture the attributes of the ELEPHANT in You by connecting with your cortical brain that houses the following traits:
Donate $50 and enroll in One Scroll of YOUR CHOICE
Donate $90 and enroll in Two Scrolls of YOUR CHOICE
Donate $199 and enroll in Five Scrolls of YOUR CHOICE
Donate $299 and enroll in all Eight Scrolls
You can of course continue to walk on the same path, carry on with the same rote routine and keep complaining about what’s not right about others and/or the world. Alternately, You Can Choose The Road Less Travelled, Embrace Change and Own Your Power.
You can either make excuses about not have enough time and money OR You Can Make Time For a Potentially Life Transforming Journey.
Just ask yourself, “Am I satisfied with where I am in my life? Am I feeling purposeful? Am I doing absolutely all that I can to leave behind a better planet for my children and grandchildren? What kind of legacy am I leaving behind for future generations? What will people speak of me when I pass over?”
Our planet is on the cusp of a massive shift!
Do you want to ride the tide or get washed away?
Nobody said that The Road Less Travelled is going to be an easy one. Undoubtedly you will be drawn out of your comfort zone. In fact you will be rinsed like a cloth, as I was when I embarked on this journey. But if you discipline yourself to doing what’s necessary you will experience profound inner shifts that will help you connect with your authentic NATURE. When this happens, your depth of connections with People, Planet and all Sentient Beings will also automatically change. Your relationships will become more authentic as you will no longer dread being vulnerable. When you realize that at the core, all humans have two basic needs - Love and Acceptance - you will soften up and forgive more easily. Once you have experienced such a transformation you’d never want to return into your previous “skin”.
This, I speak from my experience!
But I’m not here to tell you what to do.
So what’s the price you are willing to pay to live an authentic life? How much time and money have you spent on your degree or vocational training? Are these career trainings offering you a deeper sense of satisfaction? Is your job causing high-stress levels? If so, what’s the price you are willing to pay to dissolve your stress and anxiety?
Frankly, the amount of material and information I have created for you is priceless!! In order to get to this place in my life I spent nearly $100,000 and 20 years. I have synthesized and condensed all those years of academic knowledge and inquiries, deeper insights, ancient wisdom and my precious life experiences to help create a fertile mind in which you can sow the seeds of wisdom from the scrolls that will nurture your life in manifesting peace and contentment.
I have also made it affordable as I wanted to make it accessible to as many people as possible. You know why?
This is our best chance to make the shift!
I sincerely hope you choose to become part of this Groundswell and a Grander Mission.
In addition to the eight-week comprehensive curriculum, you will also receive the following:
During the live interactive sessions you will be invited to volunteer for the hot-seat, a one-on-one coaching. In order to ensure everyone gets a chance and provide quality service, I’m limiting the number of participants. You will discover that even though one person is being coached, all participants benefit, as they most often tend to have similar questions.
Throughout the duration of the program you will be afforded access to this safe haven for open discussions, emotional support and valuable input from the entire tribe that will help you expand your thinking. You will also have opportunities to create buddies, support and mastermind groups, as well as partnerships with people from around the world with unique perspectives
After the completion of each scroll you will receive a short audio/ video surprise that I will record in the natural world to help you create stillness, silence and spaciousness for your inner explorations
You will receive special discounts for Natural Retreats and Conventions
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Access to Special Reports/Interviews with world renowned authors and experts in the Media, and leading edge fields of Systems Science, and Eco Therapy*
For some reason, if you don’t absolutely love the contents in my eight scrolls, or the results just email us within 30 days from the curriculum launch date and we will reimburse your money 100% - no questions asked.
It’s not about quantity, but rather the quality of service I can offer you. With this in mind I have intentionally limited the number of participants so I can afford individual attention.
This is an introductory offer only. Prices will go up in January 2015!
Please be reminded 25% of net proceeds will be dedicated towards the welfare of captive elephants in India, home to 3500 captive elephants and over 80% of the world’s Asian Elephants, a globally endangered species
Donate $50 and enroll in One Scroll of YOUR CHOICE
Donate $90 and enroll in Two Scrolls of YOUR CHOICE
Donate $199 and enroll in Five Scrolls of YOUR CHOICE
Donate $299 and enroll in all Eight Scrolls
A world-renowned leader, Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the Change You Wish to See in this World”. Having applied this principle most of her life, Sangita strongly believes that healing is possible one person at a time. By making conscious choices we can create peace within our 'self' and co-exist peacefully with all sentient beings.
So what does a journalist and wildlife filmmaker know about stress and anxiety? The reality is, when Sangita launched her career as a Health and Environmental Journalist in 1999, little did she know that nature and wildlife would have such profound healing influence on her chronic stress and anxiety, stemming from childhood traumas. But that’s exactly what happened. In over a decade of reporting from the front line, Sangita gathered profound insights from the natural world that transformed her life dramatically.
She then pursued Masters in environmental education and communication aiming to instill appreciation and reverence for our Natural world. At the time she was exposed to the emerging fields of Eco Psychology, and Systems, Mind and Brain Sciences that helped her draw parallels between the natural world and her inner world. Her ultimate transformation occurred in 2012 when Sangita reconnected with her soul animals - elephants - that awakened her innate potentials to be a kinder, more caring and compassionate human being.
Nearly two decades later, Sangita is excited to share her life experiences and deeper insights from the natural world and her beloved elephants, hoping to manifest love and peace in people's lives.
Sangita Iyer is an Award-winning Journalist, three-time International Award-winning Nature and Wildlife Film Maker, and the Director of documentary film in the making, “Gods in Chains”. She has reported and anchored for the ABC/ CBS affiliate in Bermuda, produced Nature and Wildlife reports for the Daily Planet on Discovery Channel Canada, Co-founded Bermuda Environmental Alliance (BEA), an organization dedicated to helping the island's youth connect with the natural world, and is currently a Contributing Writer for The Huffington Post. Sangita’s 2014 elephant campaign was featured on CTV Toronto, CTV News Channel, and Rogers TV.
Sangita Iyer has a dazzling record as a global citizen, writer, environmental advocate, journalist, filmmaker, and biologist. I have been bowled over by all her excellent HuffPo pieces. Sangita recently undertook a self-funded explorative trip to India to witness at first hand the extent of cruelty being inflicted on elephants by ignorance and br utality. She has now returned with a deeper understanding of the problem. She is launching a new project about the plight of Indian elephants, who are cruelly mistreated, and their profound suffering is appalling.
Professor Chris PalmerAuthor of Shooting in the Wild,
Distinguished Film Producer in Residence, Director,
Center for Environmental Filmmaking, American University School of Communication
Sangita has a unique and powerful way of using narratives such that they bridge the gap between the masses and science communities. This is imperative, because in our global system everything is connected, now and in the future, and we ignore this reality at our collective peril.
Dr. Gordon McBean, C.M., On.Ont., Ph. D., FRSC,President Elect, International Council for Science
Sangita brings a wide variety of skills to the table – she’s well educated, extremely dedicated, very well organized, and has an attention to details that ensures the success of any project she undertakes. When this is combined with the passion for environment, wildlife and the education of young in these areas it makes for a very powerful force in helping an organization such as the BEA to achieve it’s mission. Her background in journalism and social media has also helped enormously in getting our message out. Sangita is ethically fair in her dealings inside and out of our organization.
David EzekielChairman & Managing Director Marsh IAS
BEA Board Chairman
Donate $50 and enroll in One Scroll of YOUR CHOICE
Donate $90 and enroll in Two Scrolls of YOUR CHOICE
Donate $199 and enroll in Five Scrolls of YOUR CHOICE
Donate $299 and enroll in all Eight Scrolls
This program is not a substitute for treatment of stress and anxiety with a licensed professional. By enrolling in this program you are accepting the risks involved in applying the practices and applications. The contents in the eight scrolls are based on scientific research, deeper insights and personal experiences designed to educate the masses on alternative ways to dissolving stress and anxiety.